Thursday, 17 January 2013

Product Review!

So today I'm doing a product review on my Wonderstruck perfume by Taylor Swift that I got as a late Christmas present from my Aunt and cousins.

This perfume smells amazing with the vibrancy of freesia, apple blossom and raspberry and the authenticity of vanilla, honeysuckle and white hibiscus. It isn't to strong and overpowering it also doesn't linger for too long.

When I'm looking for a nice perfume I like to get one that comes in a nice bottle aswell as smelling good this perfume comes in a lovely purple sparkly bottle with some gold charms round the top.

I looked on the internet for the price of this perfume and it was £38.00 for 100ml which I think is good value for money as it will last a very long time.

I would recommend this perfume as it smells good and isn't too expensive either.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Liebster Award!

I was nominated for this award by Lucy at I'm not really sure what its about but I've heard its for blogs that don't have many followers to get them more recognised.


  • Each person should post 11 things about themselves.
  • Answer the 11 questions set by their nominator, plus create 11 questions for your own nominees.
  • Choose 11 bloggers and link them in your post.
  • Go to their page and tell them.
  • No tag backs! 
11 things about me...
  • My favorite colour is blue
  • I love watching films
  • I love reading
  • I love milkbottles
  • I really want a job
  • I have a thing for anything with owls on
  • My favorite perfume is Wonderstruck by Taylor Swift
  • I love cosy jumpers
  • It really annoys me when people send me spam messages
  • I am in year 9
  • I love shopping
Questions from Lucy
What is your favorite high street shop?
It's got to be Topshop
What is your favorite season?
Why did you start a blog?
I'd seen some before and they looked really nice so I decided to make my own.
What is your favorite order at Starbucks?
A Caramel Frapachino 
If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
Either Australia or America
What is your must-have makeup item?
My Benefit They're Real mascara
Do you have any hobbies, if so what are they?
Horse Riding and Surf Life Saving
What is your favorite thing about blogging?
Probably sharing what I like with other people and finding people that share my interests
Who is your biggest inspiration?
Probably Tom Daley not because I want to be a diver but because he has been through so much but he still carries on.
What are your future aspirations?
I'm not sure what I want to be when I'm older but I guess I just want to do something I enjoy and be happy
What do you most enjoy blogging about?
Probably product reviews because it's a good way to share with people any good products that are going around.

My Questions...
  • What is the one thing in your wardrobe you can't live without?
  • What do you want to do before you die?
  • What is your favorite film?
  • What is your favorite song?
  • What celebrity would you really like to meet?
  • What is your favorite makeup brand?
  • What is your dream job?
  • What is your favorite brand of clothes?
  • What is your favorite item from Lush?
  • Who is your favorite singer/band?
  • What do you like to do in your free time?

  1. Lydia at
  2. Denise at
  3. Valeria at
  5. Amy at
  6. Becky at
  7. Hayley at
  8. Melissa at
  9. Stacey at
  11. Olivia at
Thanks for reading! Please link the answers to my questions in the comments below. A big thank you to Lucy for nominating me!!xx

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Product Review

I know I haven't posted in a while but I've been very busy with school and I haven't really known what to post about. Today im going to do a Product Review on my Soap & Glory Peaches and Cream face wash.

This is one of my favorite Soap & Glory products, even thought I like most of them, as it smells so good and is very good for your skin as it helps get rid of spots and leaves you feeling nice and fresh.
It is quite a tall bottle and you don't need to use that much each time and I've been using it every night since just after Christmas and I still have loads left so it will last me a very long time.
Also its a bargain at just £7.00!

Hope you liked my review I know its only small but I will post something else at the weekend!

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Get to know me tag...

I was tagged to do this by my friend +Lucy Butcher Here goes...

1. What's your favorite order at Starbucks?
I have only been in once (I know terrible but there isn't one where I live) but I had the caramel frapachino and it was so nice I would defiantly have it again.

2. What's the one thing in your wardrobe you couldn't live without?
Defiantly my skinny jeans I wear them everywhere and if I didn't have them I don't know what I'd do.

3. Where's your favorite place?
My room, its got everything, my phone, laptop, music, it's even got food!

4. Name one thing you want to do before you die.
Got to be go to New York, I really want to go and go shopping!

5. Name one food you couldn't live without.
Cookie Dough Ice Cream, I'm eating healthier now so I can't really have it very often any more.

6. Where were you born?
Dudley just outside Birmingham but I now live in Devon.

7. What is your favorite time of year?
Christmas, I love this time of year because of the atmosphere and also the chance that it might snow.

8. Most listened to song on iTunes?
They Don't Know About Us-One Direction

9. Furthest you've ever been from home?
Probably the Canary Islands (not very far I know) I've been to Lanzarote and Tenerife.

10. Favorite number?
Either 18 or 21 I don't know why.

11. Two hobbies?
Horse Riding-I've been riding since I was three and still love it.
Surf Life Saving-Winter we swim in the pool and summer we go on the beach and run and go in the sea, I haven't been going recently so I need to try harder.

12. Favorite Perfume?
Wonderstruck by Taylor Swift I haven't actually got the perfume but I had a tester and loved it.

13. Favorite high street shop?
Either Topshop or River Island

Thanks for reading I'm not going to tag anyone but if you want to do it feel free!!xx

Friday, 4 January 2013

Favorite Jewellary

So today post is about my favorites pieces of jewellary I'm going to do 2 necklaces, 2 pairs of earrings, 2 bracletts and 2 rings...

Okay my two favorite necklaces are my Gran's locket and a heart necklace from my mum. The locket means so much to me as it has a picture of my late Gran and Granddad inside it, I wear it almost everyday. The heart necklace was a present off my mum and dad, I love it its so pretty and I wear it all the time.

My two favorite bracletts are my gold braclett and my Nomination link braclett. I love my gold braclett because it is so pretty and the design is so nice. My link braclett has four links on it, and R, an Opal, a horse and a Libra sign. I love this braclett because all the links represent me in some way.

My two favorite pairs of earrings were both given to me as a present from my friend +Lucy Butcher. One of them are my owl earrings which I have posted about already but I love them because they are so cute and pretty. My other pair are my black mustache earrings I like these earring because I love the design.

My two favorite rings are my silver ring and my gold Love ring from Accessorize, I love my silver ring because its very pretty and I love the design. I like my gold Love ring because I like the way the word love links into the flower, its very pretty

Thursday, 3 January 2013

My Wishlist!

So I've decided to post a wishlist it won't be my whole wishlist otherwise it would be very long so these are just a few I would really like...

First on my wishlist is a white Ipad, I want alot of apple products and I couldn't decide between an Ipad and a Macbook but my aunt has an Ipad and i went on it and its so good, the screen is so clear and you can do almost anything with it. I defiantly need to save, save, save to afford one!

Second is a dressing table, I've wanted one of these since i was little but I've never had one, at the moment there is no room in my bedroom to put one so I'm trying to figure out different ways to arrange my room so I can fit one in it.

Last is Vans! I really want these navy blue Vans as I love the colour and as I already have one pair and a pair for school I know that they are so comfy and they are defiantly my favorite pair of shoes I own and I would love another pair!

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Wardrobe Contents

Okay so, these are my favorite items of clothing that I have in my wardrobe, I have done 2 tops, 2 bottoms  2 coats/jumpers and 2 pairs of shoes.

My two favorite tops are defiantly my denim shirt from Topshop and my white top from New Look. My denim shirt is so comfy and looks nice with almost everything, also my white top is such a soft material and so comfy and goes with most things as its white.

My two favorite bottoms are my burgundy jeans from New Look and my high waisted shorts from Primark. My jeans are very comfy and I love the colour but they are a bit long, I love the colour of my shorts and they are so comfy and great for the summer.

My favorite jacket is my grey hoodie from Gilly Hicks and my favorite jumper is my blue and cream one from River Island. My grey hoodie is so warm as it is fluffy inside and I love that it buttons up instead of the usual zip. I have already put this jumper on here but I love it its so warm and comfy and I love the design. Both of these are great for Autumn/Winter.

My two favorite pairs of shoes has got to be my burgundy Vans and my white shoes from River Island. My Vans are the comfiest pair of shoes I have ever worn and I love the colour. My white shoes are also very comfy and I love the design, also they are great for the summer.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New Years Resolutions

Okay so it might be a bit late but I've decided to make some new years resolutions and I'm going to stick to them as best I can. Here they are...

First I'm going to start eating a lot healthier as I eat so much junk food and I want to eat a healthier diet so i can be a healthier person. Also I need to drink more water because I don't really like it but I should drink because it really good for you and good for your skin.

Secondly, I have joined the gym but I don't really try as hard as I should so my second new years resolutions is to try harder at the gym so I can keep fit. I do swim aswell but I haven't been going at all recently so I defiantly need to try harder at that.

Last one is to be nicer to my friends and family and respect them because I guess I don't really relise how much they mean to me because they are always there for me.

Happy 2013 everyone!!!